- 1984. Medical University of Debrecen, general practitioner
- 1989. obstetrics-gynecology examination
- 1996. surgery examination
- 2017 obstetrics and gynecology ultrasound diagnostics medical license exam
Specializations, special fields of expertise:
- cancer screening
- chlamydia screening
- screening for sexually transmitted infections
- pelvic pain diagnosis
- endometriosis screening
- pelvic ultrasound examination (ovaries, uterus)
- gynecological oncology
- breast tumor surgery
- vaginal ultrasound
- Endorette, Endometrial biopsy test
- Treatment of Bartholin's abscess
- HPV typing
- Gardnerella, Trichomonas, Atopobium screening
- Chlamydia, Mycopasma, Gonorrhea, Ureplasma screening
- Insemination
At the appointment, we accept patients from the age of 18.