In the former case, a certain area of the body is anesthetized - of course, temporarily. This is usually done by an anesthesiologist blocking the nerves or nerve endings that supply the area, but if the area to be anesthetized is so small that satisfactory pain relief can be achieved with local infiltration anesthesia (i.e., acting on the sensory nerve endings and its immediate environment), often the doctor performing the intervention/surgery administers the appropriate anesthetic. During general anesthesia, or sedation, sleep, painlessness, and muscle relaxation are ensured to the "depth" necessary for the surgery, as well as the shutting down of defensive and life-sustaining reflexes, and their replacement by an anesthesiologist. This is always performed by an experienced, highly skilled anesthesiologist.
The main responsibilities of an anesthesiologist are:
- In light of the results of pre-operative examinations and preparations, involving the specialist performing the operation, the anesthesiologist determines the proportion of surgical risk to the quality of life / health gained as a result of the operation, and thus helps patients in deciding whether to proceed with surgery.
- In addition, after adequate preoperative preparation and patient education, by choosing the appropriate anesthesia method, and during anesthesia, through a series of medical interventions, the anesthesiologist ensures that the patient's vital functions (circulation, breathing, excretion, coagulation, etc.) remain stable and in a state most conducive to uninterrupted healing during surgical procedures.
- Thirdly, in the postoperative period, partly by continuing the therapy ordered in the first and second phases, and partly by prescribing/changing appropriate medication and physical therapy, the anesthesiologist ensures the conditions necessary for optimal recovery (stable blood pressure, optimal blood sugar level, adequate organ, tissue blood circulation, and oxygenation, etc.). An important area is also postoperative pain relief, defining and monitoring the conditions for safe discharge after surgery, and ordering (following consultation with the surgeon) prevention of postoperative thrombosis.

Anesthesiology - specialist consultationFrom 46 990 Ft
Anesthesiology - specialist control examinationFrom 32 000 Ft
Anesthesiology consultation (for surgery and childbirth performed at Duna Medical Center)From 9 000 Ft