


Dermatology Welcome to Duna Medical Center Dermatology, your trusted destination for comprehensive skin care in Budapest. We are proud to offer the most advanced treatments for a wide range of skin conditions. Our world-class team of dermatologists and skin specialists are dedicated to providing exceptional care that is tailored to the individual needs of each patient.

Our Expertise

Dermatology is a specialized branch of medicine that focuses on the health of the skin, nails, and hair. As the body's largest organ, the skin plays a critical role in our overall health, acting as a barrier against harmful environmental factors.

Our dermatologists are equipped to diagnose and treat a variety of skin conditions, including:

  • Acne
  • Eczema
  • Psoriasis
  • Rosacea
  • Skin cancers
  • Hair and nail disorders
  • Autoimmune skin diseases
  • Skin infections
  • Pigmentation disorders
  • Allergic skin reactions

When to See a Dermatologist?

Any changes or concerns with your skin, hair, or nails warrant a visit to a dermatologist. This includes persistent rashes, acne, unexplained hair loss, changes in the color or size of moles, or any new or unusual growths on the skin. Early detection is often the key to successful treatment, especially in the case of skin cancer.

Process of Dermatological Examination

The examination begins with the patient's medical history: the doctor thoroughly questions the patient about their symptoms and previous illnesses. Previous medical records and treatment notes can provide useful information to the treating physician, so it's important to bring these along to the consultation. This is followed by a physical examination of the affected skin area. The dermatoscope, a special microscope equipped with a magnifying glass and internal lighting, can be a useful tool for this examination. After a thorough examination, the dermatologist will suggest a treatment for the problem or, if necessary, recommend additional tests for the patient. It may also happen that skin symptoms indicate a problem originating from an internal organ, in such cases the dermatologist will help the patient decide which specialist to turn to.

Common Skin Change

  • Fibroma: a small, skin-colored, usually soft growth that primarily occurs on the neck and in the armpit.
  • Wart: a common type of wart is the common wart. This skin change can occur on the fingers, soles, and limbs. Another type is the running wart, which most often appears on the face or limbs and can spread extremely quickly. Swimming pool warts are viral alterations that can cause itching. Warts may also appear on the skin in older age. These are usually brownish in color, similar to moles, and appear on the torso, neck or hands. There are several methods available for the treatment and removal of viral warts, so it is best to consult a dermatologist with the complaint.
  • Moles: their appearance, size, and color can vary. Some moles can develop into melanoma (malignant tumor), so it's important to check them regularly. If you notice any changes in your mole, it's advisable to see a doctor as soon as possible. Book a mole screening at our institution!
  • Condyloma acuminatum: typically occurring on the genital, skin-colored or brownish, rice grain-sized skin growth.

Dermatological Treatment Options

The treatment of dermatological changes may vary depending on their type and size.

  • Diathermy: a tissue removal procedure and hemostasis based on the concentrated heat effect of electric current.
  • Skin lesion removal with Volkmann spoon: some skin lesions can be removed with a special sharp tool, a Volkmann spoon.
  • Cryo treatment: cryo therapy is a freezing procedure in which the skin tissue to be removed is cooled to its freezing point with liquid nitrogen, causing it to die, allowing healthy, new skin to form in its place.

Further Dermatological Examinations

  • Photo-documentation of skin changes: in certain skin changes, moles, it may be advisable to have them regularly checked and photo-documented. The images can be used to track the changes in the mole, thus potentially recognizing if it's a pathological change in time.
  • Tissue sampling: to establish an accurate diagnosis, histological diagnosis may also be needed. This involves taking a sample from the affected tissue with an aspiration or biopsy needle, or in certain cases, through a surgical procedure.

Our Approach

At Duna Medical Center Dermatology, we believe in an integrative approach to skin care that combines state-of-the-art treatments with patient education. We work closely with each patient to understand their unique skin care needs and to develop a personalized treatment plan.

Why Choose Us?

  • Experienced Team: Our dermatologists are trained at top international institutions and have a wealth of experience in managing various skin conditions.
  • Advanced Technologies: We use the latest in dermatological technology to provide effective and minimally invasive treatments.
  • Personalized Care: We prioritize each patient's comfort and satisfaction, ensuring a supportive, empathetic environment.
  • Convenient Location: Located in the heart of Budapest, we are easily accessible and offer flexible appointment times.

Begin your journey to healthier skin today. Contact us to schedule a consultation with our expert dermatologists. We look forward to helping you achieve your best skin health at Duna Medical Center Dermatology.

Dr. Adrienne Vajda
Dr. Adrienne Vajda
Dr. Eleonora Imrédi
Dr. Eleonora Imrédi
Dr. Réka Pálma Sillo
Dr. Réka Pálma Sillo
Dr. Adrienne Vajda
Dr. Adrienne Vajda
Dr. Eleonora Imrédi
Dr. Eleonora Imrédi
Dr. Réka Pálma Sillo
Dr. Réka Pálma Sillo
Browse specialists

  • Biopsy with Punch needle
    From 46 000 Ft
  • Cryo treatment - piece by piece
    From 15 000 Ft
  • Dermatology control examination
    From 32 000 Ft
  • Dermatology professor consultation
    From 43 000 Ft
  • Dermatology professor's control examination
    From 36 000 Ft
  • Dermatology specialist examination
    From 37 000 Ft
  • Fibroid pendulum removal - piece by piece
    From 12 000 Ft
  • Histology - basic pattern
    From 22 000 Ft
  • Mole screening
    From 37 000 Ft
  • Removal of skin lesions with a Volkmann spoon - piece by piece
    From 12 000 Ft
  • Surgical removal of birthmarks - 1 piece
    From 81 000 Ft
  • Surgical removal of birthmarks - additional item
    From 41 000 Ft
Prices are indicative and do not include the cost of the care package