Open days at the maternity ward

Open days at the maternity ward

Open days at the maternity ward The aim of the presentation of our obstetrics department is for future parents to get to know the hospital conditions and the maternity center workers better, so that they are already welcomed by a familiar environment at the time of delivery. Every Wednesday, during the tour, you can also ask questions about childbirth and the maternity period.

Dear interested Mother!

It is only natural that pregnant women who are about to give birth are full of excitement and anxious anticipation.

Visiting the place and getting to know the professionals working there, where you want to give birth to your child, has many advantages. The safety of the place and the familiar faces help reduce anxiety and contribute greatly to a positive labor and birth experience.

During the open day, you can get answers to your questions about pregnancy care and childbirth in the framework of an informal discussion, which our midwives answer by following the latest professional recommendations and taking individual wishes and requests into account.

We explain how the department works and provide important information about maternity care and birth packages, as well as contracts.

DMC's obstetrics department aims to combine safety, professionalism and harmony.

We look forward to welcoming you and your partner to our open day!


Registration for open days is only possible online! For an open day, starting in July, we can accept applications from up to 20 expectant mothers and one accompanying person.

Companions do not need to register!


If you have any questions, please contact our case manager Petra Botlik during working hours at +36-70-332-1594. If a member of our staff is unable to answer your call due to their busy schedule, they will call you back as soon as possible. You can also post your questions on the official Liv Duna Medical Center obstetrics Facebook page, where the staff of the obstetrics department will be happy to answer them.