Penis and Testicular Surgeries

Urological Surgeries

Penis and Testicular Surgeries

Penis and Testicular Surgeries In our institution, we perform various types of surgeries involving the penis, testicles, and scrotum, with experienced specialists and a skilled surgical team, using the latest surgical equipment.


Circumcision is the surgical removal of the foreskin, which covers the tip of the penis, called the glans.

Besides cultural or religious reasons, circumcision may be recommended for several medical reasons. Adult circumcision may be indicated in the following cases:

  • Phimosis: The foreskin is too tight, making it impossible to retract over the glans.
  • Painful intercourse due to foreskin.
  • Paraphimosis: When the retracted foreskin cannot be returned to its original position.
  • Inflammation or infections of the glans or foreskin, which persist despite good hygiene and antibiotic treatment (chronic balanitis).
  • Recurrent condyloma, HPV infection.
  • Penile malignant tumor: Red, wart-like growths or ulcers on the penis or foreskin.

What is the purpose of the procedure?

The goal of the procedure is to alleviate pain, infections, and difficulties with urination caused by phimosis. Circumcision also reduces the risk of sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) and lowers the occurrence of penile epithelial malignancies.


The procedure is performed under local anesthesia, with the surgical area and, if necessary, the nerves running at the base of the penis being anesthetized (root block anesthesia). The edges of the incision are sutured with absorbable stitches after hemostasis. No stitch removal is required. The surgery usually takes about 1 hour.

On the 2nd day after the surgery, the dressing can be removed, and thereafter, the wound should be covered with gauze and undergo daily disinfection. The stitches will dissolve on their own after 2-3 weeks. The complete healing time is approximately 2 weeks.

Dr. Géza László Sebestyén
Dr. Géza László Sebestyén
Dr. István Buzogány
Dr. István Buzogány
Dr. János Dér
Dr. János Dér
Urologist - operating doctor only
Dr. Károly Nagy
Dr. Károly Nagy
Dr. Péter Iván Dombóvári
Dr. Péter Iván Dombóvári
Dr. Péter Járomi
Dr. Péter Járomi
Urologist - operating doctor only
Dr. Porath Sharon
Dr. Porath Sharon
Dr. Géza László Sebestyén
Dr. Géza László Sebestyén
Dr. István Buzogány
Dr. István Buzogány
Dr. János Dér
Dr. János Dér
Urologist - operating doctor only
Dr. Károly Nagy
Dr. Károly Nagy
Dr. Péter Iván Dombóvári
Dr. Péter Iván Dombóvári
Dr. Péter Járomi
Dr. Péter Járomi
Urologist - operating doctor only
Dr. Porath Sharon
Dr. Porath Sharon
Browse specialists

  • Bilateral testicle removal (orchiectomy)
    From 667 000 Ft
  • Circumcision (Circumcisio) under anesthesia
    From 422 000 Ft
  • Elimination of testicular torsion (detorquatios testis)
    From 593 000 Ft
  • Epididymal cyst removal (spermatocele)
    From 531 000 Ft
  • Excision of penile/perineal skin lesion (less than 3)
    From 395 500 Ft
  • Excision of penile/perineal skin lesion (more than 3)
    From 436 500 Ft
  • Foreskin incision, urethral opening incision (dorsalincisio, meatotomy)
    From 328 000 Ft
  • Implantation of a testicular prosthesis (the price of the prosthesis is not included)
    From 506 000 Ft
  • Microsurgical varcocelectomy
    From 946 000 Ft
  • Removal of hydrocele (Bergmann/Winkelmann hydrocele surgery)
    From 531 000 Ft
  • Scrotal abscess (abscess scroti) exploration
    From 531 000 Ft
  • Testicle removal due to tumor
    From 627 000 Ft
  • Urethral stricture incision (Urethrotomy interna opticus)
    From 626 000 Ft
Prices are indicative and do not include the cost of the care package