Ultrasound examinations

Radiological diagnostics

Ultrasound examinations

Ultrasound examinations Radiology is the general name for imaging diagnostic tests. With the help of imaging diagnostics, any area or organ of the body can be imaged in great detail. Most radiological examinations, with the exception of ultrasound diagnostics, are performed using X-rays. The radiology department of the Duna Medical Center is equipped with modern, high-tech equipment. In addition to the quality of the equipment, the expertise and experience of the radiologist and radiology assistants also have a decisive influence on the evaluation of the tests, which is why our institution welcomes patients with highly qualified and experienced specialists.

Ultrasound examinations

Many problems and organ changes can be discovered with ultrasound examinations. The ultrasound examination is painless. In most cases of gastroenterological, gynecological, internal medicine, endocrinological, urological, vascular (Doppler ultrasound) and joint complaints, an ultrasound examination is justified.

Abdominal/pelvic ultrasound examination

Abdominal and pelvic ultrasound examination creates a picture of every organ from the diaphragm to the pubic bone: the abdominal organs, soft tissues (liver, gallbladder, bile ducts, pancreas, spleen, kidneys, bladder) and lymph nodes are visible. This examination is most often recommended in the case of abdominal complaints of unclear origin, urination and menstrual problems. In addition to these, it is also suitable for monitoring known diseases and control tests for cancerous diseases.

Abdominal and pelvic ultrasound examinations are performed on an empty stomach, and must be preceded by at least 6 hours of complete fasting. If the patient is taking medicine, he can take it in the morning on an empty stomach, but only with still water. In order for the pelvic organs to be seen more clearly, a full bladder is required, the patient should not empty the bladder 2 hours before the examination.

How does the examination take place?

Abdominal and pelvic ultrasound examination is usually performed lying on the back with the help of a special probe head and a so-called water-soluble contact gel, which is applied to the area to be examined. During the examination, it is important to lie still and follow the instructions of the examining doctor. Sometimes it happens that you have to turn to one side in order to better judge some organs. At the end of the test, the gel can be wiped off with a simple movement, leaving no trace.

The test usually takes 20-30 minutes, is painless, free of ionizing radiation and does not involve any complications.

What age group is it recommended for and at what intervals should it be done?

The examination itself is completely independent of age group, it can be performed on anyone, pregnancy is not an exclusion factor. Its big advantage is that it is fast, easily accessible, provides a high-resolution, detailed image, and does not use ionizing radiation. For filtering purposes, it is recommended to perform it every 1-2 years, depending on the general condition. In the case of a complaint, it can be done depending on its nature.

In which cases is it recommended to perform the test?

In the case of abdominal discomfort, lower abdominal cramps, and abdominal complaints of unknown origin, it is usually the primary imaging method. It can be performed based on the clinician's thorough physical examination, detailed anamnesis, and laboratory examination. At that point, the examining physician usually formulates a general diagnosis. Many diseases can be ruled out with a high-resolution abdominal ultrasound examination, but if the preparation is not adequate, it is possible that we will not get results, because it is not possible to make meaningful statements about some abdominal and pelvic organs (for example, in the case of an empty bladder, the state of the pelvis and the urinary bladder).

What should I do before an abdominal ultrasound?

On the day of the examination, you must arrive on an empty stomach, but you may drink still water.

When will I receive a finding?

A written report will be provided immediately after the ultrasound examination is completed.

Ultrasound examination of the soft tissue of the neck, thyroid gland, blood vessels, testicles and joints

An ultrasound examination of the soft tissues of the neck and the thyroid gland may be justified in the case of neck pain, swallowing discomfort, thyroid gland dysfunction, as well as for the purpose of checking a known disease, neoplastic diseases, post-surgery control examination or screening examination. The pathological condition or damage of blood vessels (arteries, veins, aorta) can also be checked with the Doppler ultrasound procedure. Examination of the joints and testicles may be necessary in case of muscle injuries, changes and inflammations. Ultrasound examination of these areas does not require any preparation.

The duration of the examination is 15-20 minutes, depending on the anatomical area.

It is not necessary to bring an official referral to the Duna Medical Center, but it is recommended that the referring doctor describe the history and clinical questions that led to the initiation of the ultrasound examination. Presentation of the history (if any) is important, please bring them with you!

Cardiac ultrasound examination

Cardiac ultrasound takes place alongside the specialist's examination, during which a moving image of the heart is obtained, so that the heart cavities, the walls that border them, the valves and the pericardium can also be examined. A gentle and painless examination with no harmful effects. It can be used to detect, for example, post-infarction wall motion disorders, scarring, valvular diseases, abnormal blood flow between the chambers of the heart, fluid accumulated in the pericardium or blood clots formed in the chambers of the heart.

During the first cardiology consultation, an echocardiography, which provides a lot of information, is justified in order to assess the state of the heart.

Pregnancy ultrasound

In our institution, within the framework of pregnancy care, we continuously perform pregnancy 2D, 3D, 4D ultrasound examinations from the early stages of pregnancy.

For detailed information, see Antenatal care examinations and Pregnancy care packages.

Dr. Andrea Éva Tombácz
Dr. Andrea Éva Tombácz
Dr. Júlia Anikó Bercsényi
Dr. Júlia Anikó Bercsényi
Máté Jánvári Dr. Cs
Máté Jánvári Dr. Cs
Yassin Yassef
Yassin Yassef
Dr. Andrea Éva Tombácz
Dr. Andrea Éva Tombácz
Dr. Júlia Anikó Bercsényi
Dr. Júlia Anikó Bercsényi
Máté Jánvári Dr. Cs
Máté Jánvári Dr. Cs
Yassin Yassef
Yassin Yassef
Browse specialists

  • Abdominal and pelvic ultrasound examination
    From 37 000 Ft
  • Aspiration cytology - pathological processing
    From 10 000 Ft
  • Aspiration cytology sampling from the breast with a fine needle, guided by ultrasound - first examination
    From 27 000 Ft
  • Aspiration cytology sampling with a thin needle from soft tissue or thyroid guided by ultrasound - first examination
    From 27 000 Ft
  • Core biopsy - histology
    From 31 000 Ft
  • Core biopsy (sampling) from soft tissue, guided by ultrasound - first examination (the price of the histological examination is not included)
    From 40 000 Ft
  • Core biopsy (sampling) from soft tissue, guided by ultrasound - second or secondary examination (the price of the histological examination is not included)
    From 21 000 Ft
  • Core biopsy (sampling) from the breast, guided by ultrasound - first examination (the price of the histological examination is not included)
    From 40 000 Ft
  • Core biopsy (sampling) from the breast, guided by ultrasound - second or secondary examination (the price of the histological examination is not included)
    From 21 000 Ft
  • Doppler ultrasound, per body area (neck vessels, kidney, limb)
    From 37 000 Ft
  • Fine-needle aspiration cytology sampling from breast or soft tissue, ultrasound-guided - second or secondary examination
    From 14 000 Ft
  • Testicular ultrasound with Doppler
    From 37 000 Ft
  • Ultrasound examination per body area (e.g. thyroid gland, shoulder, knee)
    From 33 000 Ft
Prices are indicative and do not include the cost of the care package