Surgeries of the External Genital Organs

Gynecological Surgeries

Surgeries of the External Genital Organs

Surgeries of the External Genital Organs Gynecology is a medical specialty dealing with diseases of the female genital organs and their treatment. Certain gynecological problems can only be treated surgically. Gynecological surgeries are always preceded by a specialist examination, and if justified, further laboratory and imaging procedures as well. Early detection of gynecological problems is an important condition for effective treatment.

Breast Lesion Excision (Breast excision, Excisio laesionis mammae)

If the patient's complaint or the gynecological examination reveals a change (lump, tumor) in the breast, it is necessary to remove it and examine the removed sample histologically. Since it cannot be determined in advance whether the lesion is benign or malignant, it is advisable to remove it as soon as possible, so that the treatment of any malignant disease can begin as soon as possible.

The excision on the breast is performed under anesthesia. During the surgery, the operating doctor removes the cancerous lesion in the affected breast, but if necessary, they may also take samples from other areas of the breast or the lymph nodes.

Once the treating physician receives the result of the histological examination, they can determine the next steps.

The shape of the breast may change due to the excision and the surgical scar, which can be corrected later with an implant.

Minor Surgeries of the Vagina, Cervix, and Labia (vagina, cervix, vulva)

Our hospital performs numerous types of surgeries related to these organs, mainly excising problematic, inflamed areas, lesions (see below: Condyloma excision, Bartholin cyst removal), tissue sampling, later care of minor injuries sustained during childbirth, aesthetic labiaplasty, or perineoplasty.

Condyloma – Genital Warts - Excision

The warts appearing on the genitals, around the anus are caused by infection with certain types of HPV (human papilloma virus) - most often with HPV-6 and HPV-11. These belong to low-risk virus types.

Infection with HPV is very common, and total symptomlessness is characteristic of 80-90 percent of the infected. Mild changes can heal spontaneously, but we recommend starting treatment as soon as possible to prevent the spread and growth of warts. There are numerous methods available for treatment: cream, brushing, freezing, surgical excision. The most suitable method should be selected based on the form, severity, and location of symptoms, and the presence of possible pregnancy.

Bartholin Cyst Removal

The Bartholin gland is located in the lower third of the labia majora, at the entrance to the vagina. On both sides, there are two glands, each about 1 cm in size, each with an excretory duct. In a healthy state, the Bartholin glands are not palpable, but if they become inflamed, it can cause pain, swelling, and even fever.

The cause of the inflammation are the bacteria that enter the excretory duct of the gland, as a result of which the secretion that cannot be discharged forms the cyst, then - in an advanced state - due to the inflammation of the entire gland and the obstruction of the duct, it can also turn into an abscess.

Treatment of the Bartholin cyst is surgical in case of pain and inflammation, with the excision of the cyst/abscess.


The procedure is a surgery used to reduce the size of the labia minora.

The size of the labia minora varies in everyone, but there are women whose (typically large) size of the labia minora causes uncomfortable feelings or feelings of shame. For them, surgical reduction of the labia minora may provide a solution.

We perform labiaplasty in our institution under full anesthesia. During the procedure, the tissue is removed with a high-frequency cutter, and the loose parts are fixed with absorbable sutures.

Patients who have undergone surgery without complications can go home the next day after the operation. We do not recommend sexual intercourse and the use of tampons for a few weeks after the procedure.

The procedure is performed by gynecologists or plastic surgeons.

The price does not include the cost of the examinations preceding the surgery and the nursing package following the surgery, as well as the cost of any special equipment required during the surgery and the cost of histological examination.

Dr. András Bencsik
Dr. András Bencsik
Obstetrician-gynecologist - operating doctor only
Dr. Attila Artner
Dr. Attila Artner
Dr. Balázs Gábor Sobel
Dr. Balázs Gábor Sobel
Gynecologist - operating doctor only
Dr. Binyamin Diker
Dr. Binyamin Diker
Dr. Gábor Hartman
Dr. Gábor Hartman
Obstetrician gynecologist
Dr. Gábor Vermes
Dr. Gábor Vermes
Gynecologist - operating doctor only
Dr. György Gerő
Dr. György Gerő
Dr. György László Orbán
Dr. György László Orbán
Gynecologist, Oncologist - Only operating doctor
Dr. István Krasznai
Dr. István Krasznai
Obstetrician gynecologist
Dr. László Tarnai
Dr. László Tarnai
Gynecologist - operating doctor only
Dr. Máté Szabolcs
Dr. Máté Szabolcs
Gynecologist, Oncologist
Dr. Molnár-G. Béla
Dr. Molnár-G. Béla
Dr. Sándor Károly Tóth
Dr. Sándor Károly Tóth
Dr. Tamás Telek
Dr. Tamás Telek
Obstetrician gynecologist
Dr. Zoltán Novák
Dr. Zoltán Novák
Gynecologist - operating doctor only
Dr. Zoltán Ruttner
Dr. Zoltán Ruttner
Dr. Zoltán Szakács
Dr. Zoltán Szakács
Prof. Dr. László Ungár
Prof. Dr. László Ungár
Gynecologist, Oncologist
Dr. András Bencsik
Dr. András Bencsik
Obstetrician-gynecologist - operating doctor only
Dr. Attila Artner
Dr. Attila Artner
Dr. Balázs Gábor Sobel
Dr. Balázs Gábor Sobel
Gynecologist - operating doctor only
Dr. Binyamin Diker
Dr. Binyamin Diker
Dr. Gábor Hartman
Dr. Gábor Hartman
Obstetrician gynecologist
Dr. Gábor Vermes
Dr. Gábor Vermes
Gynecologist - operating doctor only
Dr. György Gerő
Dr. György Gerő
Dr. György László Orbán
Dr. György László Orbán
Gynecologist, Oncologist - Only operating doctor
Dr. István Krasznai
Dr. István Krasznai
Obstetrician gynecologist
Dr. László Tarnai
Dr. László Tarnai
Gynecologist - operating doctor only
Dr. Máté Szabolcs
Dr. Máté Szabolcs
Gynecologist, Oncologist
Dr. Molnár-G. Béla
Dr. Molnár-G. Béla
Dr. Sándor Károly Tóth
Dr. Sándor Károly Tóth
Dr. Tamás Telek
Dr. Tamás Telek
Obstetrician gynecologist
Dr. Zoltán Novák
Dr. Zoltán Novák
Gynecologist - operating doctor only
Dr. Zoltán Ruttner
Dr. Zoltán Ruttner
Dr. Zoltán Szakács
Dr. Zoltán Szakács
Prof. Dr. László Ungár
Prof. Dr. László Ungár
Gynecologist, Oncologist
Browse specialists

  • Breast excision
    From 453 000 Ft
  • Excision (without anesthesia)
    From 205 000 Ft
  • Labia minoraplasty (normal)
    From 369 000 Ft
  • Labia minoraplasty (technically difficult)
    From 500 000 Ft
  • Major surgeries of the vagina and external genitalia
    From 406 000 Ft
  • Minor surgeries of the vagina and external genitalia (under anesthesia)
    From 277 000 Ft
  • Minor surgeries of the vagina and external genitalia (without anesthesia)
    From 241 000 Ft
  • Ovarian cyst punctio (aspiration) without anesthesia
    From 300 000 Ft
  • Ovarian cyst removal
    Custom price
  • Restoration of external genitalia and barrier
    From 460 000 Ft
  • Vaginal obliteratio (closure) according to Neugebauer-LeFort
    From 1 021 000 Ft
Prices are indicative and do not include the cost of the care package