Pain clinic


Pain clinic

Pain clinic Pain is the most common symptom that leads patients to seek medical attention. Despite this, patients often do not receive adequate pain relief. The physiological role of acute pain is to alert the body to harmful stimuli, but chronic pain causes unnecessary stress and suffering. Previously, pain was considered merely a symptom, but with a better understanding of the nervous system's function, we now know that chronic pain causes long-term changes in the nervous system's operation, inducing physiological changes in the body. We do not have to live with pain; it can be avoided with proper treatment.

It happens to many that after a wrong move, sudden or morning severe pain occurs, which almost paralyzes, or it feels like we can hardly move, sit, or stand. Back pain often involves sciatica or lumbago in the background. However, such pains can have various causes, which it is worth having examined by a specialist. In our predicament, the most important thing is to alleviate the strong, tormenting pain as soon as possible.

The intensive therapy and anesthesiology specialists at Duna Medical Center, who are experts in pain relief, can provide rapid relief for severe pain with the appropriate medication treatment. It may be necessary to repeat the treatment every few days, several times, and diagnostic tests may be required to reveal the cause of the pain, creating the possibility for its long-term or permanent elimination. The specialists and diagnostic background of Duna Medical Center can also assist in this.

What complaints should you come to our pain clinic with?

We welcome patients with musculoskeletal complaints, where the complaints may be due to joint, musculoskeletal, or nervous system changes. Sudden or long-standing severe neck, shoulder, back, waist, hip, or joint pain.

What does the service include?

Within the framework of pain relief, a specialist anesthesiologist assesses the patient's condition, the nature and severity of the pain, and prescribes the pain relief therapy. Based on this, our patient receives the necessary infusion pain relief treatment or injection intervention. In certain cases, it may be necessary to repeat the infusion treatment several times. The individual repeat treatments can occur on consecutive days or with a few days' breaks in between.

What complaints are we currently unable to treat?

Within the framework of the pain clinic, we are not prepared to treat pains originating from cancerous diseases, chest pains, abdominal pains, and headaches.

How to book an appointment

Please call us at +36 1 790 7070. Our colleagues will need the following information during the arrangement:

  • Name
  • Year of birth
  • Phone number
  • Duration of pain existence

Important information:

  • The implementation of the infusion treatment requires a duration of 3-5 hours.
  • The application of nerve block is a quick procedure, but it requires at least an hour of rest, observation afterward.
  • The patient must not drive a car after any of the treatments.
Dr. Zsuzsa Szentimrey-Pere
Dr. Zsuzsa Szentimrey-Pere
anaesthesiologist and intensive care specialist, head of the Department of Anaesthesiology and Intensive Care
Dr. Zsuzsa Szentimrey-Pere
Dr. Zsuzsa Szentimrey-Pere
anaesthesiologist and intensive care specialist, head of the Department of Anaesthesiology and Intensive Care
Browse specialists

  • Nerve block treatment (without specialist consultation)
    From 40 000 Ft
  • Pain ambulance - control study
    From 32 000 Ft
  • Pain ambulance consultation and 1 suitable infusion pain relief
    From 60 000 Ft
  • Pain ambulance consultation and nerve block pain relief treatment
    From 67 000 Ft
  • Pain clinic consultation
    From 37 000 Ft
Prices are indicative and do not include the cost of the care package