Dr. Péter Járomi
I obtained my general medical degree in 2002 at the University of Szeged. I started my medical career at the Kecskemét County Hospital. In 2009, I took a specialist exam in urology and obtained a qualification in accordance with the requirements of the European Society of Urology. In 2020, I obtained a PhD degree at the Doctoral School of Multidisciplinary Medical Sciences of the University of Szeged. I am a member of the Hungarian Urological Society and the European Urological Society. I currently work as a urologist at the Járomi Medical Clinic in Kecskemét, Kiskunfálegyháza and Lajosmizsé. I perform my operations at the Duna Medical Center.
- Hungarian Urological Society
- European Society of Urology
United Kingdom (2005-2007)