

Krisztina Madenszki

Midwife - optional
Contact details
+36 1 790 7080
Introduction, curriculum vitae

From a very young age I had the idea that when I grew up I wanted to help people. In high school, I was already interested in a career in health care. I eventually found my way as a midwife.

After finishing high school, I started at Semmelweis University Faculty of Health Sciences, which I finished in 2020. During my internships at university, I worked in the obstetrics department of the Péterfy Sándor Street Hospital and Clinic. After graduation I started working at Péterfy Hospital and from 2024 I will join the team of Liv Duna Medical as a midwife.
I felt I had found my calling from the first births. Every birth is unique and the way a family becomes one with the birth of a child is indescribably beautiful.

Because every birth is different, every mother-to-be has different needs, I believe there is always something new for me to learn. In order to keep learning and improving, I attend training courses and professional conferences so that I can constantly expand my knowledge.

In my work, it is important for me to keep the ideas of mothers in mind. I am an advocate of natural childbirth, but I also care about safety.

During labour and birth, I like to use alternative methods of childbirth, including homeopathy and aromatherapy oils.

It is a great energy boost to be present at the birth of a family and be part of the moment.