Petra Juhász
I graduated as a midwife in 2002 from the Szentágothai János Health Vocational School. Since then, midwifery has become my vocation, and I continually strive to make the day a family comes together a positive experience. Each birth is a new experience, and this is what makes it unique and irreplaceable.
I spent the first years of my career at Schöpf-Merei Hospital and then strengthened the team at the Metropolitan Szent István Hospital. As I witnessed advancements in the field over the years, I became curious about private maternity services, which led me to spend eight years at the first private maternity hospital in Telki. During this time, I also became a mother, which has allowed me to better understand and empathize with the feelings of expectant mothers.
I acquired my knowledge of alternative maternity care over 10 years at the Szent Imre University Teaching Hospital with a great team and many positive experiences.
I have been working at Liv Duna Medical Center since 2023, and I hope to continue applying the knowledge and experience I have gained here.