

Prof. Dr. György Bodoky

Prof. Dr. György Bodoky

Contact details
+36 1 790 7070
Field of specialisation
Personalized targeted anti-tumor drug therapy, digestive organ tumors, breast, gynecological and urogenital cancers, changes in tumor metabolism and nutritional therapy.
Service hours
Browse consultation time
Introduction, curriculum vitae

Chief physician of the oncology department of the United Szent István and Szent László Hospital in Budapest. He is the founder of the Hungarian Clinical Oncology Society (MKOT) and is currently its honorary president. He is an invited speaker of the European, American and Japanese oncology societies.

At the appointment, we accept patients from the age of 18.

Academic degree

PhD, private university teacher

Prizes, awards and recognition
  • "World Leading Oncologist" ASCO award
  • Pro optimo merito in pancreatico oncologia award
  • Georg Weber Foundation Award for Cancer Research
International experience
  • USA Syracuse University of Medicine
  • European Society of Oncology (ESMO) therapeutic guidelines working group
  • Swiss Working Group on Clinical Cancer Research (SAKK)
  • Clinical Cancer Research Southeast European Working Group (SEEROG)
  • International Academic Cancer Research for Correct Answers and Directions (ARCAD).