4 months after gastric bypass surgery…

SM : I feel very well, I'm losing weight, I'm currently around 69-70 kg. All my clothes and shoes are big: instead of the previous size 48-50, I wear a size 40-42, and my foot size has also become one size smaller. My skin hangs on my arms, but I don't mind, I still have a layer of fat on my stomach, I'm working on it, but my pouch is gone.
DMC : The external change is impressive, but we would also like to look behind it...
SM : I measure my blood sugar in the morning, the value is usually between 5.9-6.9, I don't feel sick because of it. In the same way, neither nausea nor vomiting occurs. I still have problems with bowel movements, but I'm trying to get back to normal.
I currently only take vitamins in general (C, D, zinc, selenium, B12). I will wait for the results of the blood test, that will decide if another supplement is needed.
DMC: It is important that people who have undergone bypass surgery (also) consume a lot of fluids. How do you feel about this?
SM: Unfortunately, my water consumption is a disaster. I forget to drink, I don't feel thirsty, but I try to have at least 1.5-2 liters a day. Rarely, but 2.5 liters succeeds. However, I completely gave up sugary soft drinks and carbonated water.
DMC: What do you think is important to tell readers about your food?
SM: I try to have all meals at the same time, years of diabetes have taught me this. I don't miss a meal. For breakfast, I usually eat 25 g of ketogenic muesli with 30 ml of oat milk. I don't eat for ten hours. For lunch, I always eat some kind of meat, with salad, steamed vegetables, and low-carb pasta. The snack is left out, or I very rarely make CH reduced/free pancakes/waffles, but only on weekends. I should add that I can only eat half of one. For dinner, also meat with vegetables, very rarely with a wholemeal bun of around 60 g. I buy salad dressings in gym stores, zero calorie ones.
DMC: Have your tastes and eating habits changed significantly since the operation?
SM: I can't eat sandwiches at all anymore, and I can't eat hams, yogurts or puddings either (and that's all I ate in the first two months). I can't eat tuna, I dump it immediately ( bloating, vomiting after eating - the editor ), after two bites. I can't really eat beef either.
Salmon, chicken, pork, chicken liver (I love it), rabbit meat, turkey can be used. I would prefer to eat meat with everything now :)
I tried to avoid white flour (very rarely), rice (never), potatoes (very rarely, rather just tasting them), pasta (I never eat them). It's also a change that I used to eat vegetables and didn't need bread! If possible, I make it with almond flour or coconut flour, or with CH reduced flour (but this has a lot of additives).
I like strong flavors. Curry can be spicy, and cabbage doesn't hurt my stomach either. But eggs... I can't eat them in almost anything anymore...
DMC: What about coffee and sweets?
SM : I have returned to drinking coffee, although perhaps in smaller quantities. I add a grain of sweetener to the espresso coffee and oat milk or almond milk, but only with a coffee spoon. I prefer to drink ground coffee more often.
I make cookies if I want, from ketogenic recipes saved from American sites. But it is not typical, it comes to mind only as an alternative, rarely.
DMC : You mentioned the ketogenic diet several times. Can we say that this is the main diet line that you follow?
SM: For the most part, I try to eat according to a ketogenic diet, and I pay more attention to the amount of carbohydrates I take in than to calories. But I also make sure that I don't eat more than 150-200 g at a time, even though I can't. My eyes would eat it, maybe I'll take it out on the plate, but in the end I can't eat it.
DMC : Does sport fit into your life and energy?
SM: A colleague of mine is also a personal trainer, starting next week we will start working together: muscle building will follow. Now I manage a little less often, but before I used to briskly walk/jog 4-5 km in the evening, almost every day. That's a bit out of the question now, I've got a lot of homework, and of course the weather, and this, and that... But I'm trying to change that.
DMC: Please, at the end of the conversation, summarize how you feel so long after the operation?
SM: It makes me very happy that my clothes from 25 years ago, which I don't know why, but I didn't throw away, are now big on me. Very good feeling. Also, many people notice how much I have changed, I smile more, I feel better in my own skin. I like to be praised. And I didn't experience anything negative.
I am very happy that I found Dr. Vasas in time ( Dr. Péter Vasas, bariatric surgeon at the Duna Medical Center ), and also that the operation was performed after my covid infection. I am happy that I don't have to use insulin, I proudly announce everywhere that my diabetes is "gone". Four months, -31 kg. My favorite question: "Do you remember when you were so thin?"
The previous interview with Melinda Sinkó can be read by clicking here.