

Ah, you're too young for that!

It is often heard that someone is too young for certain diseases, unfortunately there is actually no gynecological disease or condition that can be said to be strictly age-related. We asked obstetrician-gynecologist Dr. Gábor Hartman, the medical director of the Duna Medical Center, about the age at which it is worth going for a gynecological examination and with what regularity.
Ah, you're too young for that!

An important milestone in the lives of young girls is when they undergo their first gynecological examination. Many people tend to postpone this step, even though there are symptoms such as pelvic pain or persistent lower abdominal pain that require immediate medical attention.

At what age should the first examination be performed?

"Classic" gynecological diseases, such as urinary tract infections or fungal diseases, are to be reckoned with between the ages of 18 and 55, while the symptoms of menopause already appear above 55. However, if someone becomes sexually active at a younger age, one should not wait until the age of eighteen, it is recommended to visit a gynecologist one year after starting sexual life. Of course, in the meantime, it is important to take care of adequate protection against pregnancy and sexually transmitted diseases. If there are no problems, a control examination is recommended every year, but in the case of a complaint, you should not wait weeks or months for the examination.

Dr. Gábor Hartman said that some cancers, such as cysts, can appear even in teenagers, but at the same time, many women in their forties accompany successful pregnancies. "It is important to think about all eventualities, so that the patient receives the appropriate treatment and support as quickly as possible. It is of utmost importance that women go for screening regularly, every year." he added.

When should I book an appointment immediately?

A fungal infection can be treated at home with various pharmaceutical products, but if the symptoms do not go away, you should definitely consult a doctor. If we suspect that the background of our complaints may be a sexually transmitted disease, we should not experiment with home practices, as this may even worsen our condition.

The symptoms of sexually transmitted infections are very varied and there are also diseases that do not cause symptoms for a very long time (such as chlamydia, ureaplasma and mycoplasma). There are also sexual infections that do not cause unpleasant symptoms for the infected party, but for the partner. The treatment of some sexually transmitted diseases is very simple, but complex, long-lasting treatments are often required, as well as the treatment of both parties to avoid cross-infection.

You should definitely consult a doctor with the following symptoms:

  • abnormal bleeding
  • bleeding after sexual intercourse
  • foul-smelling discharge
  • if a sexually transmitted disease is suspected

It is worth bearing in mind that more people consult a gynecologist in the summer months. In such cases, the pH value of the vagina changes due to the heat and going to the beach, making it easier for infections to develop.

Dr. Gábor Hartman talks in more detail about the importance of screening tests and how decisive the first gynecological experience is in Duna TV's Család-Barát program, which can be accessed at this link:…/csalad-barat -2018-09-06-i-adas/ . The interview starts at minute 29.

Get to know our doctor:

Dr. Gábor Hartman