

Alternative childbirth at Duna Medical

Although the usual and widespread view regarding childbirth is that the expectant mother can only be placed on the delivery bed in a lying position, nowadays, fortunately, various alternative birth options are increasingly popular, during which the mother is not specifically tied to the bed, as other positions and positions are also provided for him the birth of his child.
Alternative childbirth at Duna Medical

At the Duna Medical Center, we support all aspects of alternative childbirth with full attention and care, depending on the mother's choice and – of course, after assessing the risks – her state of health.

Our institution supports the choice of different ways of giving birth , different from the usual ones, so that the pregnant woman has the opportunity to go through the labor even while standing or walking, or to experience every moment of the birth in a tub of pleasant, lukewarm water .
During a water birth, there is no need to worry about the mother's condition, as our specialists and midwives monitor the entire process and can intervene with the appropriate tools in case of possible complications. Our obstetricians can also check the fetal heart rate in the water and check the condition of the cervix .
Many mothers are afraid of the possibility of giving birth in water and do not even consider it as an option, despite the fact that it is a popular form of birth due to its many beneficial effects. Pregnant women who give birth in our bathtub are guaranteed a sense of security , and the warm water has a relaxing effect on them. Thanks to the buoyancy of the water, it is easier to move around in the tub, and the pain is much more tolerable. In the spirit of a peaceful birth , the newborn does not feel the birth is traumatic either, since he enters the water at a temperature similar to that of the amniotic fluid, and he does not have to worry about breathing, as he avoids the possibility of swallowing water thanks to his diving reflex.

At Duna Medical, by ensuring a harmonious birth , we do our best to make the birth a good experience, and if we have the opportunity, we provide the mother with all the tools available.
During childbirth, gravity becomes a positive factor, as it greatly helps the fetus to come into the world. During the standing pose , the uterus can contract more effectively, and the mother can breathe more consciously with much greater self-control. Sitting , either on a chair or on a rubber ball , makes the process easier, because the labor pain is somewhat alleviated, and by being on all fours , the pressure on the spine is reduced and the baby's oxygen supply is also improved.

It can be seen that in our institution, in addition to the traditional position, we also want to provide women in labor with many other opportunities so that they leave our clinic with as lasting and positive an experience as possible.