Bumps on the body

It matters where the bump is
Lumps that can be felt under the skin can form almost anywhere on the body, but in most cases they occur on the neck, breasts, armpits and around the soft parts. There is no limit to the growth of nodules, they can even grow to the size of a walnut. For this reason, it is important to contact a specialist as soon as possible if you notice such a bump, emphasizes Dr. Péter Sipos.
The most common lumps are lipomas, also known as fatty tumors. These benign changes can occur in almost any part of the body. Dermatofibromas, connective tissue tumors of the skin, are rarer than these, which fortunately are also benign. Certain tumor types occur only in women or only in men: Fibroadenoma, a benign tumor of the breast, is very common among young women. In men, gynecomastia, also known as breast enlargement, can occur, which can be caused by obesity, hormonal disorders, or even certain drug treatments.
Diseases of the joints are ganglions, which most often occur in the wrist joint, at the base of the fingers, at the ends of the fingers, and in the knee and ankle areas. Enlarged lymph nodes appearing in the groin, armpits and neck can also develop as a result of a simple cold or infection. The mostly painless nodules usually recede as the disease progresses. If the swelling does not go away, you should definitely consult a specialist to rule out the possibility of lymphoma, which is one of the most curable types of malignant tumors if detected early.
A common disease of the head and soft tissues is atheroma, also known as pulp tumor, which is a benign, dense, encased tumor that develops directly under the skin. In most cases, it develops near hair follicles, when the outlet of the sebaceous glands of the skin is blocked by the sebum produced. Hidradenitis, also known as sweat gland inflammation, is also an inflammatory disease associated with hair follicles. The name is misleading because the sweat glands of the region are only affected secondarily in the disease. The inflammation usually develops in hair follicles where there are many sweat glands, such as the armpits and groin. In the background of the small protrusion in the inguinal fold or the navel, a small hernia may also occur, if you suspect this, you should definitely consult a specialist!
What can we do against the formation of knots?
In most cases, we cannot influence the formation of nodules. Inflammation of the sweat glands can be prevented by not smoking, and inflammation of the hair follicles by keeping the pores clean. The growth of lipomas can be increased by regular irritation, rubbing, pressure, and the formation of ganglia by overexertion. Dr. Péter Sipos drew attention to the fact that we can do the most for our health if we visit a specialist as soon as possible after discovering the lump. The sooner it becomes clear what kind of change it is, the easier it is to find the best solution.
How does a surgery go?
Whatever nodule was removed, a histology is always recommended. During the operation, the specialists try to remove the lumps together. In most cases, the wound is easily closed, but if this is not possible, the area can be covered with a skin flap with the involvement of a plastic surgeon.