Construction of the Duna Medical Center hospital has begun

During the construction of the structure, 2 new floors will be built on top of the existing reinforced concrete structure, so the finished building will have 8 floors. A 3-level underground garage will be created in the working pit, which has been empty for many years, next to the reinforced concrete structure. ÉPSZERK Pannónia Invest Kft. was entrusted with the implementation of the structural works.
The Duna Medical Center Hospital will be completed by the end of 2017 and will operate with 130 patient beds and 7 operating rooms.
The already operational Clinic and Surgery Center of the Duna Medical Center has been receiving patients since August 2015, and since December 2015 it has also been providing inpatient care in several specialties.
" The results of the last eight months have proven that there is a demand for world-class private healthcare services in Hungary: the patient traffic of the Duna Medical Center's Specialist Clinic and Surgery Center has tripled in a short period of time. At the Duna Medical Center Hospital, we will also strive to treat our patients in an exceptional environment with internationally recognized specialists and high-tech equipment," said Igor Iankovskyi, chairman of the board of directors of the Duna Medical Center, in connection with the event.