

Don't stress, get the visceral fat!

Visceral fat is unfortunately not easy to find or get rid of, since neither the scale nor our BMI shows how much fat we store under the abdominal muscles, between our internal organs. There are more effective methods for measuring and restoring healthy proportions than cutting out sugar and doing millions of sit-ups, Dr. Éva Bajnok, obesitologist at the Duna Medical Center, talks about these.
Don't stress, get the visceral fat!

If we take in more calories than we use, they are unfortunately stored in the form of fat. This can happen under the skin, evenly distributed on our body, or most often in the hip-buttock area and rather on the abdomen, and mostly hidden between the intestines. The latter is called visceral fat, and it is the type that is not only aesthetically disturbing, but can cause serious health problems. The metabolism of the visceral adipose tissue is active, during its operation substances are released that can cause inflammation, among other things, which is also the cause of most obesity-related diseases. The more fat we store in our internal organs, the greater the chance of cardiovascular disease, stroke, diabetes, high blood pressure, cancer, infertility, reflux, fatty liver, gallstones, breathing problems, and even depression.

What BMI doesn't show

BMI is a ratio that shows our body weight in relation to our height. It does not distinguish whether it is made up of muscle, bone, fat or other tissue. If you want to take a quick measurement at home, it is worth measuring your abdominal circumference, numbers above 80-88 for women and 94-102 cm for men may indicate the presence of visceral fat. If we want to see very precisely what our body composition is like, where there is muscle, what our bone density is like, where there is water and where visceral fat may be hiding, then it is worth taking part in an examination with a DEXA device, which provides a detailed "map" of our body.

Do not stress!

Unfortunately, stress is a clear cause of obesity. It partly causes the release of substances and hormones that prevent fat breakdown. On the other hand, if we eat as a stress reliever as a bad nervous system, our chances get worse. It is important to know that not sleeping (our work, our particular life situation - raising a small child -, even sleep apnea syndrome manifesting itself in snoring) can also cause obesity in a similar way.

Eat a variety!

It is worth covering foods with an overall reduced energy content from a variety of food sources, eating lots of vegetables, fruits, legumes, whole grains and protein-rich cereals, reduced-fat dairy products, lean meat, and oily seeds. In addition to such a diet, with the exception of vitamin D, extra vitamin intake is rarely necessary and can be used permanently in the case of all kinds of diseases or food intolerances, with small modifications.

Does sugar increase visceral fat?

We need sugar, i.e. carbohydrates, primarily for our brain, red blood cells, and muscles. The long-term follow-up results of large studies prove that, in order to preserve our health, our daily calorie needs are approx. half should be taken in the form of carbohydrates even during a diet (minimum 120g). This is especially important for jobs that require a lot of concentration, active physical work and during pregnancy, breastfeeding and in case of serious co-morbidities. Of course, it doesn't matter whether we cover our need for carbohydrates from legumes, fruit, grains, or sugary pastries that don't contain vitamins, fiber, or other nutrients.

All movement is useful!

Abdominal fat tissue can be made to disappear not by repeated abdominal muscle exercises until the back hurts, but by aerobic (fat-burning) exercises, i.e. with a relatively slow heart rate, but at the same time relatively longer. Of course, strengthening the trunk muscles (core training) improves tone. Intermittent (cardio, anaerobic, high-intensity) training is only recommended for a person in good condition, certainly in case of a healthy cardiological condition. All kinds of movement are useful, but the first mentioned fat burning exercises are the most ideal for the purpose of eliminating fat tissue. Training is also important so that we don't lose weight from our muscles, and it even improves our metabolism. In addition, during exercise, substances released in the abdominal fat tissue that have the opposite effect to disease-causing substances are produced, which is why it also plays a health-protective role. It quickly improves our energy state, self-esteem and is also a stress reliever. It is known that "metabolically healthy" hardened fat people live longer than the so-called "skinnyfat" are thin, otherwise known as the untrained skinny.

Do you also want to lose weight? Ask our experts for advice at our obesitology specialist appointments, for which you can make an appointment by calling +36 1 790 7070 via our telephone customer service or online!

Get to know our obesitologist specialist:

Dr. Éva Bajnok