

Don't try to lose weight fast!

Obesity can have endocrinological reasons, so our weight can also increase due to the altered functioning of glands, but there can also be a psychological and spiritual problem in the background, and of course an unhealthy lifestyle with a lack of exercise and overeating are also common factors. According to Dr. Zsolt Káposzta, surgeon of the Duna Medical Center, obesity is a disease, and gastric bypass surgery is not primarily a cosmetic procedure, but an operation aimed at improving life expectancy and mitigating complications from obesity. Rapid weight loss can be dangerous, especially if you are trying to lose 50-60 or even more kilos in a short period of time.
Don't try to lose weight fast!

If we define obesity in terms of BMI (body mass index), values of 18.5 and 24.9 are considered normal, 25-30 are considered overweight, 30-35 are already grade 1, 35-40 BMI of 2 means obesity of degree 2, and above 40 means obesity of degree 3.

Why is obesity dangerous?

As the pounds come on, after a while co-morbidities follow them, and a vicious circle begins. " If someone can exercise less, but their eating habits do not change, they will get fatter and fatter. ”- explains Dr. Zsolt Káposztá. " Obesity also causes metabolic problems, the number of years of life decreases, cancer can occur earlier, not to mention that if any surgery is required, the risk is much greater than anesthesia and the intervention itself ." And operations are often unavoidable, as excess weight damages the joints and wears out the cartilage.

Due to obesity, patients cannot breathe properly, sleep apnea can also develop. The incidence of asthma, high blood pressure and diabetes is also increased, which ultimately leads to more serious heart disease.

Why does rapid weight loss wear out the body?

Unfortunately, based on experience, losing weight too quickly is usually not long-lasting, and it also takes a toll on the body. Due to changes in metabolism, sugar balance, carbohydrate balance, and fat balance may change as appropriate. Rapid weight loss during metabolic changes can also be associated with loss of muscle mass. A drastically low-calorie and low-carbohydrate diet also slows down the metabolism, which remains so even after the diet. In this way, the intake of vitamins and trace elements can also be reduced, which can lead to weakness, problems with the immune system, hair loss, and muscle cramps. The previous ones can also cause constant hunger and irritation. Malnutrition caused by metabolic changes, rapid changes in blood pressure, and possibly a fast and aggressive diet can lead to heart problems and arrhythmias.

What happens during gastric bypass surgery?

The operation is performed with a laparoscope, so it involves a minimal cut, during which 80-85 percent of the one to one and a half liter stomach is removed, and the remaining part will be a tube stomach of approximately 1.5 dl. During the intervention, the middle-upper part of the stomach, which produces the hunger hormone, is removed, so not only will the volume be smaller and accommodate less food, but the appetite will also decrease. A smaller stomach therefore means that patients can eat less more often, thus starting the process of losing weight. Of course, along with the diet comes the introduction of exercise into the lifestyle, and in parallel, a new attitude is also necessary. Weight loss begins quickly after surgery, but Dr. Zsolt Káposzt warns that rapid weight loss is not the goal: "In one and a half to two years, you can lose 60-80 kg safely, gradually. Don't expect anyone to lose weight quickly, because that's not healthy ."

After surgery, follow-up is essential, as with any disease, it is also important for obesity that the patients recover completely. This is no longer the task of the surgeon, but of the dietician, psychologist and obesitologist. Working together, the tube stomach can bring long-term results and permanent weight loss.

Do you also want to lose weight? Ask our experts for advice at our obesitology specialist appointments, for which you can make an appointment by calling +36 1 790 7070 via our telephone customer service or online!

Get to know our obesitologist specialist:

Dr. Éva Bajnok

And our bariatric surgeons:

Dr. Zsolt Káposzt

Dr. Péter Vasas