

Eat more to lose weight!

Do you stop losing weight after two weeks, no matter how few calories you take in? There is a scientific reason for this: the body slows down its metabolism in the long term, so even though we eat very little, the pounds stay on. Krisztina Somogyi, dietician at Duna Medical Center, explains what typical mistakes dieters make and how to set the right calorie level.
Eat more to lose weight!

Who is obese?

According to the dietician, the easiest way to determine whether someone is obese or how many kilos they need to lose is by measuring the percentage of body fat. The healthy ratio is below 32 percent for women and 25 percent for men, and if it exceeds this, we are unfortunately talking about obesity. According to Krisztina Somogyi, this usually happens because of two things: one is irregular eating, and the other is late-night indulgence. If we don't pay attention and one day we eat a lot and the next day hardly anything, then the body doesn't know when and how much energy it can expect, so it starts to reserve. In this case, no matter how little nutrients we take in, our body immediately begins to store them. The other main mistake is that we only eat mainly in the evening, or at least we consume almost 50% of the daily calorie intake between 7-9 pm.

Eat properly to lose weight!

If you want to know how many calories you need to consume daily for healthy weight loss, you should consult a dietitian who can easily calculate how much you need to eat for optimal metabolism using an impedance meter based on your body fat percentage, height and kilos (including muscle mass). Of course, this is different for everyone: for a 41-year-old man, 200 cm tall and 190 kg, with a muscle mass of 61 kg, a 2500 kcal diet is effective for weight loss, on the other hand, a 50-year-old woman who weighs 95 kg and is 165 cm tall has a metabolic rate of 1421 kcal, so for her 1500 kcal diet is recommended.

The golden rules of weight loss

Although new diets appear every day, the basic rules of weight loss and a healthy diet do not change:

  1. Healthy weekly weight loss is 0.5-1 kilogram.
  2. Eat five times a day, evenly distributing the daily amount of calories!
  3. The energy intake should consist of 50% carbohydrates, 30% protein and 20% fat!
  4. NEVER fast!
  5. Pay attention to consistency: it is important that the body learns that it receives the right amount of calories at regular intervals. In this way, our body can get used to losing weight and then keeping it off.
  6. We ask for the help of a dietician, who can provide personalized help in creating the optimal diet and calorie intake!