

Keeping animals as a parent with small children

It's rare to have a parent who hasn't had to make a decision at least once about the age at which they allow their small child to keep animals. Accommodating and taking care of a small living being, in addition to being a lot of responsibility, can also be dangerous if proper precautions are not taken. With the help of Dr. Ilona Kovács, an allergist at the Duna Medical Center, we have collected what we should be aware of if we decide to keep pets as parents.
Keeping animals as a parent with small children

At what age should you take in your first pet?

If we have the possibility to keep animals in the yard, then we can take in the first pet at the age of 2-3 years, but if not, it is worth waiting until the child reaches the age of 5-6 years. This can be justified by the fact that children's immune systems develop gradually, so until the age of 2-3 they are very susceptible to infections and allergies can develop. Dr. Ilona Kovács emphasizes that it is not recommended to choose a large animal even in this case, since children usually reach the immunity characteristic of adulthood by the age of 12.

Those who live in a house with a garden have an easier time, those who keep animals in an apartment should act with more caution. No matter where we live, we have to keep in mind that small children put everything in their mouths, hold everything carefully, caress it, and in the process put their hands in their mouths without washing their hands. Not only the hair of animals, but also their saliva, secretions and excrement can cause diseases and cause allergies.

Is it true that keeping animals promotes the development of children's immune systems?

The studies known today do not support the role of animal husbandry in strengthening the immune system. Unfortunately, it is also not true that children who lived in a household with a cat as small children are more resistant to the development of asthma symptoms. In allergy-prone families, if one parent is allergic, there is a 40% chance that the offspring will also be allergic, if both parents are allergic, then 60-80%. Dr. Ilona Kovács warns that the chance of developing allergic and asthmatic diseases from an animal kept in the apartment increases significantly.

If the animal is healthy, everything is fine?

We need to pay attention to the health of family pets not only if they live near a small child. However, in this case we have to be even more careful, since even a regularly checked pet can spread diseases. Even if he received the mandatory and recommended vaccinations, his owner also took worming and flea and tick prevention seriously.

Animals can spread several diseases without being sick themselves. The biggest source of danger is when the child comes into contact with animal feces or fur. For example, he digs into the cat litter or licks the dog. In these cases, we must immediately wash the child's hands and rinse his mouth and, if necessary, change his clothes.