

Learn more - about anesthesiology

Much more than just anesthesia or pain relief: find out what anesthesiologists do!
Learn more - about anesthesiology

The field of anesthesiology plays a prominent role in three very important areas:

  • After the pre-operative assessment and analysis of the patient's condition, he determines the pre-operative examination, optimal treatment and timing strategy with the help of which the given operation can be performed with the greatest possible safety. In the light of the results of pre-operative examinations and preparation, with the involvement of the specialist performing the operation, he determines the ratio of the surgical risk to the quality of life / health gained as a result of the operation, and thus helps patients in the decision to perform the operation.
  • In addition, after proper surgical preparation and patient education, by selecting the appropriate anesthesia method, and during anesthesia, with a series of medical interventions, it ensures that the patient's vital functions (circulation, breathing, excretion, coagulation, etc.) during the surgical interventions are stable and remain in the state most conducive to undisturbed healing. As part of the above activity, of course, the otherwise painful and unpleasant interventions, examinations, surgeries, appropriate pain relief, unpleasant emotional experiences and memories will also be turned off.
  • Thirdly, in the post-operative period, partly by continuing the therapy prescribed in the first and second courses, partly by prescribing/changing appropriate drug and physical therapy, it ensures the conditions necessary for optimal recovery (stable blood pressure, optimal blood sugar level, adequate organ and tissue blood circulation and oxygenation, etc.) The most important areas of this area are post-operative pain relief, determining and checking the conditions for safe discharge after surgery, and prescribing post-operative thrombosis prevention (after consultation with the surgeon).