

Let's take cervical cancer seriously!

Cervical ulcers occur in many women, which in most cases are just a benign change. It mainly affects young people, it can appear due to hormonal changes in adolescence, sexually transmitted diseases in young adulthood, but it can often develop after vaginal delivery or even in women who use an IUD. Dr. Singh Margit, gynecologist specialist at Duna Medical Center, also warns that cervical cancer often causes infections.
Let's take cervical cancer seriously!

Not even a wound

This term probably spread only based on the appearance of the lesion, since there is no real wound involved. The cylindrical epithelium that covers the inside of the cervix and produces dark red mucus protrudes outwards, which is visibly distinct from the shiny, pink squamous epithelium that covers the surface of the cervix from the outside. If you experience more vaginal discharge, completely irregular bleeding between monthly periods, or bleeding after sex, it is most likely worth having your cervix checked by a specialist. It is common in adolescence and rare after menopause.

What causes it?

Inflammation caused by various sexually transmitted diseases such as Chlamydia, Mycoplasma, Ureaplasma, Herpes, Gonorrhea and syphilis can also promote its development. Unfortunately, this is also true the other way around, the vulnerability of an existing cervical wound also means an increased risk of infection. Incorrectly applied vaginal treatment can lead to wound formation due to injury or disruption of the normal flora of the vagina, but it can also appear during pregnancy due to hormonal changes. The so-called combined contraceptives, which also contain estrogen, i.e. the female sex hormone, can also increase the development of cervical ulcers. Cervical ulcers can also develop through mechanical irritation of the cervix, for example in tampon users or spiral wearers.

During a vaginal examination during a routine gynecological examination, the cervical wound can be seen with the naked eye. The most specialized examination that must be carried out in such cases is the so-called colposcopy, during which possible abnormalities of the epithelium on the surface of the cervix are examined using a magnifying device. If cervical cancer was not known until then, cancer screening is also justified.

Extra kilos and sexual health

Being overweight is not a disease in itself, but it can cause hormonal disorders. Fat tissue in our body can produce estrogen, and this can contribute to the development of cervical cancer. The role of maintaining proper intimate hygiene, which often causes problems with excessive obesity, and recurrent infections cannot be neglected either.

When should you have surgery?

If the cervical ulcer does not cause any complaints and no abnormalities are detected during the annual cancer screening, it is not necessary to treat it. If, on the other hand, it causes constant vaginal discharge or bleeding, there is a greater chance of getting infections, as the chemistry of the vagina changes in addition to the less resistant epithelium. If the result of the cancer screening does not show a reassuring or pathological change, then in the absence of treatment, a malignant change of the cervix may develop over the years.


Freezing, burning, lasering

There are several types of surgery for the treatment of cervical ulcer, the essence of which is the destruction or removal of the inappropriate epithelium, the cervical ulcer, after which the healthy squamous epithelium crawls over the wound from the side. This can be done by burning, freezing, radiofrequency or laser. It is important that no histological sampling takes place during the interventions. If, in addition to the cervical ulcer, the results of the cancer screening are not satisfactory, it is also necessary to take a sample.

The most effective intervention for everyone is personalized treatment, which depends on age, complaints, primarily the amount of vaginal bleeding and the results of cancer screening. For example, in the case of an infection, we can also achieve improvement by restoring the vaginal flora after appropriate drug treatment. However, if the results of the cancer screening are not satisfactory, a histological sampling and surgery are essential, which usually eliminate the cervical ulcer as well. Most procedures can be performed on an outpatient basis, with minimal discomfort and minimal vaginal bleeding lasting only a few days.

If you would like to make an appointment with one of our gynecologists, you can do so by calling +36-1-790-7070 or online!

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Dr. Attila Artner

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Dr. László Mészáros

Dr. Molnár-G. Béla

Dr. György László Orbán

Dr. László Pálfalvi

Dr. Zoltán Ruttner

Dr. Margaret Singh

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Dr. Sándor Károly Tóth

Prof. Dr. László Ungár