

New generation tonsillectomy: less pain, faster recovery

The Duna Medical Center was the first in our country to perform tonsil surgery using plasma technology, one of the biggest advantages of which is that the pain is much less after the surgery and the recovery is faster than during traditional procedures.
New generation tonsillectomy: less pain, faster recovery

The cutting technique used for the first time in Hungary is the so-called coblation (COBLATION), during which, by creating a controlled plasma field, it is possible to cut tissues at a low temperature, thus performing minimally invasive surgeries. The tissues surrounding the wound line are only slightly damaged, in contrast to the widespread, conventional, so-called using high frequency or radio frequency medical knives. The new procedure can be used mostly in otolaryngological surgeries, such as the removal or reduction of tonsils, nasal tonsils, root of tongue and nasal concha (e.g. during anti-snoring surgeries).

Coblation in practice

The advantage is that the pain after the operation is much milder than after operations performed with traditional procedures, the operation time is shorter, there is less bleeding during the intervention, and the return to normal life is also faster. The new technique can also be used for operations performed under local anesthesia and anesthesia.

If you want to have the surgery performed yourself, book an appointment or view our service!