

New life after gastric bypass

4 hours after the operation, our patient stood up and walked in the hospital corridor, and 46 hours later he was on his way home. His weight loss starts at more than 140 kilos: our patient was given a serious chance to radically change his life after gastric bypass surgery, and he will lose approximately 50 kg in the next year and a half. In Western Europe, gastric bypass surgery is the most common intervention for the treatment of morbid obesity, which is now also available in Budapest at the Duna Medical Center, the first in Budapest.
New life after gastric bypass

Update - 2017. August 16:

Exactly one year has passed since our patient's surgery, in August 2017 the scale shows only 96 kg, which means a weight loss of 53 kg!

Update - December 15, 2016:

Our patient's weight is already under 115 kg, he feels very well and is already happy on the scales!

On August 9, 2016, we performed the first gastric bypass surgery at the Duna Medical Center. Our patient is a young, 22-year-old lady who has struggled with weight problems since she was a teenager and gained 149 kg. He planned the "Great Weight Loss" for several years; she has already tried many diets: she lost 30 kg with medical help, but gained it back in a few months. After that, he applied to our institution, where he optimized his nutrition with the help of specialists and prepared for surgery.

The head of the surgical team, Dr. Péter Vasas, explains the details of post-surgery nutrition to our patient.

The head of the surgical team, Dr. Péter Vasas, explains the details of post-surgery nutrition to our patient.

During the operation, our surgeon made 5 small incisions on the abdominal wall using the "keyhole" technique. During the operation, he simultaneously reduced the volume of the stomach, as well as its absorption by changing the path of nutrients. The intervention took place successfully in 2 hours, during the operation the surgical team created the bypass of the stomach with the help of intestinal sewing machines. The head of the surgical team was Dr. Péter Vasas, who has performed more than 150 gastric bypass surgeries in Great Britain, and now also performs this type of surgery at the Duna Medical Center.

The completed gastric bypass was tested by the surgical team with a special blue dye to ensure the continuity of the intestinal canal.

The completed gastric bypass was tested by the surgical team with a special blue dye to ensure the continuity of the intestinal canal.

4 hours after the operation, our patient was already walking in the corridor of the hospital and enjoying the panorama of the Danube. The Duna Medical Center team did everything possible to ensure the safety of the patient even during the hospital stay: a highly effective leg compression pump worked around the clock to prevent thrombosis, as well as the so-called by using an incentive spirometer every 10 minutes, we prevented the development of pneumonia after surgery.

Their patient walks with Dr. Péter Vasas on the day after surgery.

Their patient walks with Dr. Péter Vasas the day after the operation.

Thanks to gastric bypass surgery, it is expected that 70% of patients' excess body weight will disappear 18-24 months after the operation. We are now constantly reporting on the results of our operated patients, so anyone interested will be able to follow the weight loss process.

If you want to learn more about the surgery, make an appointment, and you can find more information about Dr. Péter Vasas here ! You can read more information about the surgical conditions and the most common questions at !

Watch our surgical video about the procedure! Warning: the film contains sequences suitable for disturbing the peace!