

Super New Year, with super foods!

We all start the new year with new plans, which often include healthy eating and a new diet. Kata Horváth, a dietician at the Duna Medical Center, takes a close look at the foods that we refer to as "superfoods" these days and explains how we can incorporate them into our everyday lives. It is fashionable to award food ingredients that are not widely known with this label, even though many domestic food ingredients can receive this award, not only Quinoa, Chia seeds or Goji berries.
Super New Year, with super foods!

Although there is still no universal agreement on what we call superfoods, dietician Kata Horváth calls those foods that have an exceptionally high vitamin and mineral content, which is why they are healthy and have a health-preserving effect. If we prepare or enrich our food with such vegetables, fruits, grain products, and raw materials, we can already talk about superfoods.

You don't have to go to the end of the world

However, we don't need to look for berries and seeds with the most unique and exotic names in stores to find superfoods, just look around in our kitchen or at the nearest greengrocer. Here, for example, is honey, which has an antibacterial effect and, thanks to its valuable nutrients, provides a wide range of nutritional health benefits. It is important to achieve this only with regular, moderate consumption of honey. Make sure that its blood sugar-raising effect is very fast, which is combined with a high calorie content. We should know that temperatures above 40 degrees reduce its positive effect and then lose its aroma and fragrances! Therefore, it is not recommended to mix it into hot tea or melted margarine while making cookies!

Superfoods are great because, even though they have a higher fat content, thanks to their favorable fatty acid composition, they reduce the risk of cardiovascular diseases, such as flax, millet, avocados, olives, but moderation and variety are also recommended when consuming them. Fruits typically have a low calorie content, one exception to this is the blue grape, which can be called a superfood, because like all grape varieties, it has a high carbohydrate content and therefore also contains calories. Its antioxidant effect is proven, thanks to the active ingredient resveratrol in it, which provides protection against cancer, atherosclerosis and coronary heart disease.

Almost every superfood ingredient has its domestic equivalent, with minimal differences in content. Almonds, hazelnuts, tomatoes, millet, flaxseeds, blueberries, apples, horseradish, rose hips, sunflowers - these can all be part of a balanced, healthy diet, if we "turbocharge" our food with them, our super breakfast, lunch or dinner is already ready!

What's more, if we buy locally grown ingredients that reach our tables in their ripe state, avoiding longer transport, changes and reductions in vitamin and mineral values, the dishes prepared from them can be even better.

The preparation of our food is not a negligible aspect either, since the content value of vegetables steamed or steamed until crisp under the lid is favorable for us, on the other hand, the vitamin and mineral content and fibers of a very soft broccoli or carrot are already very low from a physiological point of view.

However, we can use Goji berries, Algae, Chia seeds, Pomegranates, Avocados from abroad to add color to our dishes. Their vitamin C, iron, fiber, valuable flavonoid and fatty acid content are beneficial for us because of their health-improving, digestive and tumor-preventing effects, as well as their pleasant color.

Do superdrinks exist?

Liquid products enriched with vitamins and minerals and protein can be called superdrinks for sports, performance enhancement, hydration and muscle mass intended for athletes. Moderation is also an important aspect when consuming them. Even during the holidays, red wines can receive this label due to their high antioxidant and polyphenol content. Moderate consumption of alcohol reduces the risk of type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular diseases, raises the level of good HDL cholesterol, inhibits inflammation and thrombosis, and improves insulin sensitivity.

Can too much be too great?

The maximum tolerated levels of vitamins and minerals in our body are very high, but of course their accumulation in our body can lead to very serious diseases. It is not a goal, it is not recommended to go overboard. Inadequate calcium, in case of high intake, calcium is unable to be absorbed in the metabolic process or used somewhere, but it can stick to the vessel walls and cause vascular diseases. Dietitians recommend consuming fiber several times a day, but a lot of fiber with an inappropriate composition can even cause diarrhea, and with low liquid consumption, constipation, which can lead to intestinal twisting.

The combined consumption of multivitamin preparations and dietary supplements, as well as superfoods and superdrinks, is only recommended in justified cases supported by laboratory findings. We are thinking here of the period of pregnancy, of increased physical work, of athletes preparing for competition, of mental strain for schoolchildren during exam periods, of healing and recovery processes after surgery.

Paying attention to our diet does not completely cover or replace a healthy lifestyle, because it includes 2 x 60 minutes of intense exercise per week, adequate fluid consumption and a calm, relaxing 7-8 hours of sleep.

Everyone should choose, find for themselves the sport in which they find joy, cheer them up and even become a part of their life in the long term, already in the New Year, and feel free to color your diet with superfoods as well!

If you would like to ask for dietary advice, book an appointment for our dietetic appointments via our telephone customer service at +36 1 790 7070 or online!

Get to know our dieticians:

Kata Horváth

Kovács-Nagy Vivien Kitti