

The age of change

Menopause is a natural part of every woman's life, a new life situation that should be consciously prepared for, as many of its symptoms and complications can be alleviated or even prevented with a little care.
The age of change

Let's make it clear!

We often have trouble with the following concepts, especially with their differentiation: menopause, menopause, climax. The changing age, the climacteric, represents a longer period, the period of life associated with the decrease and then the cessation of ovarian hormone production, lasting for several years, which closes the childbearing age. Menopause is an important stage of this process: the last menstruation, but in a broader sense it can also mean the period of life following the last bleeding.

Early symptoms

Hormonal changes can be accompanied by several symptoms: bleeding disorders, hot flashes, night sweats, frequent heart palpitations, circulatory lability, but memory impairment and decreased sexual desire are also common symptoms. Many neurological and emotional changes can also occur, and locomotor and joint complaints are not uncommon.

After the end of menstruation

After the permanent absence of menstruation, medium-term, permanent symptoms may also occur. Due to the lack of estrogen, the walls of the vagina and urethra can become dry, more vulnerable and less resistant to infections. For this reason, a burning and itching sensation may occur in the vagina, urinary retention complaints and even pain during sexual life. The connective tissue system is also affected by the changes, as a result of which the skin and hair can become drier and the nails more fragile. Many people suffer from changes in metabolism, and the resulting weight gain can take a toll on women.

Late complications

Cardiovascular diseases become more common in menopausal women as a result of estrogen deficiency, and this can also be a significant factor in the mortality of the affected age group. A decrease in estrogen levels can contribute to the acceleration of bone loss, to the bones becoming more fragile, and therefore also to the development of osteoporosis.

Risk factors: lifestyle and age

Most of the complications that develop during menopause are closely related to lifestyle risk factors, and estrogen deficiency usually only increases the risk of developing complications. Age is also a risk factor. Cancers affecting women are approx. 80% of them develop in late menopause, breast cancer is a common disease, for example. Similarly, the risk of deep vein thrombosis increases with age.

Prevention of symptoms and complications

If you are experiencing menopause symptoms, you may want to see a doctor who is experienced in the field. A specialist can provide extensive information about the changes associated with menopause, treatment options, their effects, benefits and risks. Menopausal hormone therapy can be an effective treatment method. In doing so, they replace the natural female hormones that the ovaries no longer produce. Hormone therapy can be used effectively in the treatment of vegetative and organic symptoms resulting from the previously mentioned estrogen deficiency. Hormone treatment can reduce the chance of several diseases: e.g. it can also be beneficial in the treatment of colon and rectal tumors, but of course it can also have risks. When and how much hormone should be given, or whether it is worth it, varies greatly from person to person. This can be determined during a personalized consultation with a specialist. With proper health care, participation in regular screening tests, and a healthy and active lifestyle, the unpleasant symptoms of menopause can be significantly reduced and the development of later complications can be prevented.