The big dilemma: when should we consult a urologist?

In case of recurring cystitis, choose the urologist!
It often happens that female patients also consult a gynecologist with a cystitis problem, because they also feel discomfort in the vaginal area. However, if the burning, pinching or stinging sensation is always associated with urination, i.e. occurs during or after urination, or if we have lower abdominal pain, we should consult a urologist. The problem does not originate from the vagina either, if the pain is felt at or behind the pubic mound: in such cases, the bladder is often the source, and a urinary tract infection may occur. Dr. Béla Kovács warns: it is important to ask the doctor about the effect of the prescribed medicine on the vaginal flora before starting the antibiotic treatment. If you overturn it, it is worth taking care of its protection and replacement at the start of the treatment. As the vaginal flora changes, bacteria causing urinary tract inflammation can multiply, which can then more likely reach the bladder through the urethra opening into the vaginal entrance, thereby causing an infection.
What should we do if we feel or feel a strange bulge in the vagina?
It is definitely worth seeing a specialist immediately, as this feeling can be caused by the uterus or bladder sinking, or even the protrusion of the rectum.
Women often consult a gynecologist first when they have problems with urinary retention. However, a urologist can determine with more certainty what exactly causes the symptoms, and in most cases it is possible to cure and treat it.
How does an investigation take place?
Regarding the necessary medical treatment, based on the symptoms and complaints reported by the patient, a verbal consultation and counseling is sometimes sufficient. In most cases, the urologist also performs an ultrasound examination of the kidneys and bladder. That is why it is important to come to the examination with a full bladder, because this is the only way to get an accurate picture of its wall. Laboratory examination of urine also provides important information. According to Dr. Béla Kovács, it is important to always provide a fresh urine sample on the spot, as this prevents the composition of the urine from changing and also reduces the chance of contamination.
If you need further help, feel free to contact our urologists: