The cyst, which can also develop from sitting a lot

What do you need to know about pilonidal cysts?
For the disease, II. They were noticed during World War II, especially among jeep drivers. To the uninitiated, the cyst resembles an ugly, pus-filled pimple that develops on the patient's lower back, at the coccyx, where the two coccyx meet. In some cases, the cyst has one or more exit openings, in which case it appears in the form of small excretory fistulas. On other nights, the cyst is closed, because the pus cannot break out through the thick skin, but expands by melting the surrounding loose buttock fat, which leads to the formation of an abscess.
Cysts most often affect people between the ages of 15 and 35 and are more common in men. Those who sweat more, have thicker fur, or regularly wear poorly ventilated clothing have a higher chance of developing a cyst. Hormonal changes can also contribute to the development of the disease, which is why this change is also common in young adults. Due to a sedentary lifestyle or local trauma, the hairs cannot break through to the surface of the skin, they grow deep in the subcutaneous fat. In addition, the glands that produce sebum and sweat in the hair follicles are unable to empty them onto the surface of the skin, so the secretion forms a knot deep under the skin together with the unbreakable hair.
Why does the disease develop?
Increased pressure on the lower back and frequent friction, for example when someone sits in a certain position for a long time, play a role in the formation of cysts. This can also explain the spread of the disease among drivers. An unpleasant bump can also appear due to a damaged or ingrown new hair.
When is surgery necessary?
Urgent surgery is required in the case of disease with abscesses caused by closed cysts. The specialist can open and suck out the cyst using different methods. After the procedure, healing can be lengthy, it can take up to 4-6 weeks, and the most common complication is that the cyst can fill up with pus again and the procedure must be repeated. The wound is treated open for the next few weeks until the inflammation recedes and the wound clears. Dr. Péter Sipos emphasizes that to prevent this later, when the area is no longer inflamed, it is customary to recommend excision of the subcutaneous pouch.
After the abscess has healed, or if the patient consulted a specialist before active inflammation, several surgical procedures are known to treat the affected skin surface, from vacuum wound treatment to laser treatment. The operations are typically performed under anesthesia so that the intervention is as minimally painful as possible for the patients. In the case of a small lesion, even local anesthesia may be sufficient.