

The dice are turned: they come to Hungary from Great Britain, they are sick with Hungarian doctors

Duna Medical Center has reached another milestone in its existence: The institution signed a contract with Operations Abroad Worldwide in Great Britain, within the framework of which foreign patients come to our country for care financed by British social security as well as for private care.
The dice are turned: they come to Hungary from Great Britain, they are sick with Hungarian doctors

Following the 2013 European Union law amendments, patients of the NHS (Great Britain's health insurance company) have - with certain restrictions - the opportunity to choose a foreign hospital for their care and can claim reimbursement for their treatment costs.

British Operations Abroad Worldwide, which organizes the medical treatment of private and NHS patients abroad, currently cooperates with 80 hospitals in 40 countries and, since its foundation in 1999, has organized the care of more than 50,000 patients worldwide. Thanks to the cooperation, from September 2017, the Duna Medical Center will also participate in the care of patients in Great Britain who choose medical treatment abroad.

Ruth H. Taylor, director of Operations Abroad Worldwide, expressed this regarding the cooperation: "I am very proud that we managed to conclude an exclusive contract with the Duna Medical Center in Budapest. The facility represents the highest standards both in terms of equipment and medical expertise, and I am fully confident that our patients will be in the best possible hands. Our goal is to provide world-class healthcare services in the world's best hospitals in the shortest possible time, paying special attention to personalized care, which we provide during the highest level of care."

The signing of the contract also marks the rise of a new branch of medical tourism: British patients no longer visit Hungary only for the thermal waters or dental care, but also for other, more complex surgical interventions. Of these, orthopedic, neurosurgery, general surgery and ophthalmology interventions are the most sought after.

In the 2 years since its opening, the Duna Medical Center has proven that it provides world-class care, both in the field of outpatient care and inpatient care. The contract signed with Operations Abroad Worldwide is a very good feedback not only for the institution, but also for the doctors providing care here, several of whom have just returned to Hungary from the United Kingdom, so they are well aware of the requirements of foreign patients and providers there and high expectations.

The hospital of the Duna Medical Center, which will open in 2018, will welcome its patients with 130 patient beds, 7 operating theaters, a high-tech diagnostic department, a 12-bed intensive care unit and even wider services. The hospital of the Duna Medical Center will be the first private healthcare institution in the region providing comprehensive care, which will provide high-quality care to Hungarian and foreign patients at an affordable price," said Amir Nachumi, the founder and head of the Duna Medical Center project.