

You can live longer if the extra kilos melt off you

Almost two-thirds of the adult Hungarian population is overweight or obese, with this result Hungary was the fourth most obese country in the world in 2018. Extra pounds not only cause aesthetic problems, but can also lead to many diseases. According to obesity-related studies, the life of an overweight person can be shortened by 3-10 years, and the number of years an overweight person spends sick can reach up to 25, said Dr. Éva Bajnok, obesitologist at the Duna Medical Center.
You can live longer if the extra kilos melt off you

Let's have realistic expectations!

Normal weight loss is one and a half to one kilo per week, depending on the size of the excess. According to the specialist, it cannot be emphasized enough that diets and weight loss procedures that promise to lose 5-10 kilos in a week or two are ineffective or pose a serious health risk. In addition, if the expected result is not achieved, as a result of the failure, there is a much greater chance that we will return to our previous lifestyle and thus the unnecessary kilos will also return.

Dr. Éva Bajnok, an expert in the field, emphasized that if weight loss is recommended not only for aesthetic reasons, but also for health reasons, it is essential that the diet and weight loss be individualized and planned for the long term. In this way, it is possible to avoid taking back what we lost and thus not further worsening our health, as the disease associated with being overweight can also worsen. The goal is for the weight loss to be long-term, avoiding harmful side effects, such as the yo-yo effect. If we receive personalized information from a specialist, with regular support and motivation, everyone can become their own doctor.

The quality of life improves in 95%

When we decide to lose a few kilos, in addition to the smaller clothing size, it is also worth keeping in mind that we are doing a lot for our health. Studies dealing with obesity show that after losing weight, the general quality of life of patients typically improves in 95%, and this is largely due to the improvement of the health condition.

But what are the diseases that can be linked to obesity? Many people do not know, but extra kilos can not only cause cardiovascular and blood pressure problems, but also sleep problems. If we lose weight, our sugar levels can improve and our asthma and migraines can be alleviated. In addition, our joint and urinary retention diseases can be reduced, as the pressure on our organs and joints decreases as a result of losing weight.

What can be expected from the treatment of obesity? In case of 10% weight loss:

  • Blood pressure decreasing by 10-20 mm Hg
  • Cholesterol level decreasing by 10-15%
  • Triglyceride level decreasing by 30%
  • 50% decrease in blood sugar level
  • Reversion of diabetes to pre-diabetes (pre-diabetes state)
  • Normalizing prediabetes
  • 40% fewer obesity-related tumors
  • 30% less diabetes deaths
  • 20% reduction in total mortality

Get to know our diabetes specialist:

Dr. Éva Bajnok