

New life: from the first store jeans to pole dancing fitness

Our 22-year-old female patient had gastric bypass surgery at the Duna Medical Center in August 2016, as a result of which her weight decreased from 149 kg to 102 kg in 8 months.
New life: from the first store jeans to pole dancing fitness

Update: It's been a year since our patient's surgery, in August 2017 the scale shows only 96 kg, which means a total weight loss of 53 kg!

In May, the lady visited the Duna Medical Center: our staff barely knew the lady, who at that time had lost "only" 47 kilograms. Although we have continuously monitored his condition since the surgery, we now asked him about milestones, goals, and everyday challenges.

Were there any "milestones" that meant a lot to you?

I regularly go for walks with my puppy, several times a day. About 1 month after the surgery, I noticed that he got tired sooner than I did. This has rarely happened before. I am also better at cycling. My girlfriend and I recently did a 30 km run with two breaks. In the days before the surgery, I also rode a lot, but I quickly got tired and I just drove myself rather than enjoying it. What was also a great joy for me was that I was able to put on a 48, ready-to-wear size pants and now I also have jeans. So far I've only worn leggings…

dr. Péter Vasas and our patient talk about the results achieved so far

How is your health now?

I now have much more energy and feel better. I was a hairdresser, I know that hair loss occurs with all major hormonal changes and physical changes, so I did not perceive temporary hair loss as tragic.

How has your diet changed, what do you pay more attention to?

I try to eat consciously. I make sure that there are vegetables at every meal, I start the day with fruit in the morning. If I happen to eat a piece of chocolate, I make sure that it fits within the daily calorie, fat and sugar limit that I can consume. I try to eat quality things and pay attention to my vitamin intake.

dr. Péter Vasas and our patient, now 48 kg lighter

He mentioned cycling. Do you do any other sports or do you plan to?

I want to swim, do yoga, and when I reach 80 kg, I want to try pole dancing fitness, because I really like it. I would also like to return to horse riding, which I used to love doing. If I reach the 75 kg goal, I can finally try everything, even rock climbing. I feel full of energy and that's great!

You can read our patient's journey so far by clicking here ! If you are interested in our bypass surgeries, make an appointment!