A genetic anomaly or a physical alteration caused by an accident can negatively affect our wellbeing and overall quality of life. This is where plastic surgery comes in, aiming to rectify and correct these conditions. A detailed and comprehensive consultation must precede any plastic surgery intervention. When examining aesthetic issues and planning for the expected outcome, several factors need to be considered. Alongside the patient's expectations, individual conditions and health status can significantly influence the type of procedure recommended for the patient. The thorough information given must also cover possible complications and difficulties. The surgical intervention is always personalized. The aim is to carry out a treatment or surgery that aligns with the patient's vision and can be performed safely, leading to a successful outcome.
What issues should lead you to a plastic surgeon?
What one perceives as an aesthetic problem is an extremely subjective matter. Common procedures include scar corrections, mole removals, and skin changes treatments. Among the more extensive surgeries, facial, abdominal, nasal, breast reconstruction, and protruding ear corrections are popular aesthetic procedures.