

Home weight loss package

Home weight loss package

The essence of the home weight loss package is that, after a thorough health assessment, you can take action against unnecessary kilos on a personalized basis, under the supervision of a specialist doctor, based on the instructions of our qualified staff.
3 month weight loss package

3 month weight loss package

Within the framework of the 3-month weight loss package - after the health assessment - our qualified staff will help you with their advice and suggestions, with the help of regular checks, with which you can fight against unnecessary kilos.
6 month weight loss package

6 month weight loss package

Within the framework of the 6-month weight loss package, after the health assessment, our qualified staff will help you not only to reduce your weight, but also to maintain the weight you have achieved, with their advice and suggestions.
Forget the drastic diet!

Forget the drastic diet!

Let's forget all the diets, that's how we do best. Our body is programmed to reserve energy, which is why a star diet may work one time, but the second time our body stops. According to Dr. Éva Bajnok, an obesitologist at the Duna Medical Center, a more drastic ...
Marilyn Monroe also suffered from it, but most people don't know about this disease

Marilyn Monroe also suffered from it, but most people don't know about this disease

We speak of endometriosis if endometrial cells appear anywhere outside the uterine cavity, which follow the changes of the hormonally controlled menstrual cycle. These abnormally positioned cells create sterile inflammation around them, and adhesions and adhesions causing ...
Are you sure it's the thyroid?

Are you sure it's the thyroid?

Every second person in Hungary struggles with weight problems, but only a maximum of 1 in 100 people has hypothyroidism, and this can be detected with a simple blood test. About half of patients with hypothyroidism experience weight gain with decreased appetite, which is ...
Let's sleep properly! - stop snoring

Let's sleep properly! - stop snoring

In Hungary, every second person snores, but according to some research, this rate may exceed 60 percent. Snoring can be unhealthy not only for the snorer, but also for those who listen closely at night, as they too cannot rest. The phenomenon may be due to deviated nasal ...
Let's take cervical cancer seriously!

Let's take cervical cancer seriously!

Cervical ulcers occur in many women, which in most cases are just a benign change. It mainly affects young people, it can appear due to hormonal changes in adolescence, sexually transmitted diseases in young adulthood, but it can often develop after vaginal delivery or even ...
Sports and hernia

Sports and hernia

Did he overdo it? Abdominal press gone wrong? With the help of Dr. Péter Sipos, a surgeon at the Duna Medical Center, we summarize what you should definitely know about sports hernias.
Hernia operations

Hernia operations

A hernia is a serious disease and should not be taken lightly. If the hernia has already formed, it will not go away. With regular exercise and training of muscles and connective tissues, we can reduce the chance of it developing. With the help of Dr. Péter Sipos, a surgeon ...
Bumps on the body

Bumps on the body

Lumps under the skin can cause great alarm, even though in most cases they are harmless changes. Nodules can form almost anywhere on the body, their location and feel reveal a lot about them, but only a specialist can make an accurate diagnosis. Dr. Péter Sipos, a surgeon ...
Keeping animals as a parent with small children

Keeping animals as a parent with small children

It's rare to have a parent who hasn't had to make a decision at least once about the age at which they allow their small child to keep animals. Accommodating and taking care of a small living being, in addition to being a lot of responsibility, can also be dangerous ...
Quick recovery, minimal risk of breakage

Quick recovery, minimal risk of breakage

Hip replacement surgery - with a quick recovery.
What do you need to know about hip and knee replacement surgeries?

What do you need to know about hip and knee replacement surgeries?

Forget the lemon water

Forget the lemon water

Many star diets recommend that we start the day with a glass of lukewarm, lemon water, as it will speed up our digestion and the pounds will melt away at a rapid pace. Kata Horváth, dietician at Duna Medical Center, pulls the lid off the myth of lemon water and tells how ...
The cyst, which can also develop from sitting a lot

The cyst, which can also develop from sitting a lot

The pilonidal cyst is typically a disease of men, which occurs more often among those with extra pounds and thicker body hair, as well as those who lead a sedentary lifestyle, unfortunately in a rather unpleasant place, at the junction of the buttocks. Dr. Péter Sipos, ...
The baby is coming! Is the cat going?

The baby is coming! Is the cat going?

There are a lot of questions and misconceptions floating around the web about whether expectant mothers should stay away from cats. With the help of Dr. Ilona Kovács, an allergist at the Duna Medical Center, we collected some useful advice and removed the veil from some ...
If you haven't managed to quit, at least this should be done

If you haven't managed to quit, at least this should be done

How many people decided to quit smoking at the beginning of the year? Unfortunately, not everyone succeeds in giving up cigarettes permanently, but even in this case, we can do something for our health. Dr. Anna Ungár, a pulmonologist at the Duna Medical Center, tells us ...
We are expanding the family at Christmas

We are expanding the family at Christmas

According to KSH data, seven of the ten most common birthdays are between September 19 and 26, which means that most babies are conceived in Hungary during the Christmas holidays. Dr. Gábor Hartman, gynecologist specialist at the Duna Medical Center, also notices that more ...
You can live longer if the extra kilos melt off you

You can live longer if the extra kilos melt off you

Almost two-thirds of the adult Hungarian population is overweight or obese, with this result Hungary was the fourth most obese country in the world in 2018. Extra pounds not only cause aesthetic problems, but can also lead to many diseases. According to obesity-related studies, ...