

Year-end orders

Year-end orders

Dear patients, we would like to inform you that the Duna Medical Center will be open at the end of December and beginning of January 2019 with the following opening hours:
Where it hurts, I'll tell you what he does!

Where it hurts, I'll tell you what he does!

Although it is not possible to tell clearly from the posture who is doing what kind of work, if we do not compensate the musculoskeletal problems arising from our work with movement and sports, the physiotherapist will most likely know by looking whether we are working sitting ...
When every step hurts

When every step hurts

In Hungary, every fifth adult under the age of 65 suffers from some form of forefoot deformity, and almost every third person over the age of 65 has bunions, but hammer toe is even more common. When all shoes are uncomfortable and it hurts to walk, it is absolutely necessary ...
Don't stress, get the visceral fat!

Don't stress, get the visceral fat!

Visceral fat is unfortunately not easy to find or get rid of, since neither the scale nor our BMI shows how much fat we store under the abdominal muscles, between our internal organs. There are more effective methods for measuring and restoring healthy proportions than cutting ...
Don't try to lose weight fast!

Don't try to lose weight fast!

Obesity can have endocrinological reasons, so our weight can also increase due to the altered functioning of glands, but there can also be a psychological and spiritual problem in the background, and of course an unhealthy lifestyle with a lack of exercise and overeating ...
Seated exercise in addition to sedentary work!

Seated exercise in addition to sedentary work!

Office work usually does not only mean sitting for 8 hours, as we also sit when we drive to work, travel on public transport, or have dinner or watch TV in the evening. You wouldn't think it, but due to prolonged bad posture, we may have headaches more often, sitting ...
Let's get rid of snoring!

Let's get rid of snoring!

Before we move into a separate room with our partner because of loud snoring, we should find out how the phenomenon can be treated and when we should have surgery. Dr. Eszter Tóth, an otolaryngologist and snoring expert at the Duna Medical Center, says that snoring is not ...
We won't leave you alone!

We won't leave you alone!

Our anti-obesity surgeries are very popular and successful - we managed to completely change the lives of hundreds of our satisfied patients. Significant weight loss, often over 100 kg, often presents challenges to patients. In such cases, the advice of competent specialists ...
Dizziness and what may be behind it

Dizziness and what may be behind it

You can feel dizzy from hunger, love and merry-go-round, but if there is a permanent change in the sense of stability and you experience a loss of balance, then according to Dr. Csilla Miltényi, an otolaryngologist at the Duna Medical Center, you should seriously deal with ...
What can make the stool bloody?

What can make the stool bloody?

Our faeces reveal a lot about us, a specialist can deduce the root of the problem just from its color or texture. And hemorrhoids are not the only possible problem that can result in a bleeding backside. Dr. Péter Sipos, a surgeon at the Duna Medical Center, explains why ...
What gets under our skin?

What gets under our skin?

Fortunately, official tattoo parlors are now staffed by professional artists who adhere to strict hygiene rules, but it does not hurt to be aware of a few things if you want to get a tattoo. There are diseases for which you should not get a tattoo, and the removal of a tattoo ...
Tinnitus, the constant companion

Tinnitus, the constant companion

You wouldn't think it, but in Hungary, about as many people suffer from tinnitus as there are diabetics treated. According to Prof. Dr. Imre Gerlinger, an otolaryngologist at the Duna Medical Center, the number of patients in Hungary today can be estimated at around ...
Rediscovered femininity - three women with a minus of one hundred and ninety kilos

Rediscovered femininity - three women with a minus of one hundred and ninety kilos

According to surgeon Dr. Péter Vasas, it is a misconception that morbidly overweight women enjoy "having something to hold on to". More than 300 overweight female patients reported the opposite without exception: it does matter a lot if a woman can sit with her ...
How to avoid "honeymoon sickness"?

How to avoid "honeymoon sickness"?

There is nothing more romantic than when the newlyweds can finally relax after the wedding together and go on the first vacation of their new life together. Unless a few sweet days or weeks are accompanied by a nasty urinary tract infection. Unfortunately, this is not rare, ...
Duna Medical Center is a qualified private healthcare provider

Duna Medical Center is a qualified private healthcare provider

The Duna Medical Center has successfully fulfilled the conditions of the professional trademark established by the Primus Association, which was created for transparent, law-abiding and high-quality private healthcare institutions.
Protect your ears, it's festival season!

Protect your ears, it's festival season!

Many of us have felt that our hearing is temporarily worse after a concert, but in most cases we do not attach too much importance to this. However, with this, we can risk the integrity of our ears. In addition, you don't even have to be a music fan to have hearing damage, ...
Summer surgery

Summer surgery

Some surgical interventions are recommended to be postponed until the fall and winter months for a more pleasant recovery, although wounds heal faster in the summer. We asked Dr. Péter Sipos, a surgeon at the Duna Medical Center, about what we should pay attention to if ...
We know what she wore this summer

We know what she wore this summer

At least the specialist will know when he visits you in September with pain in your soles, hips or knees. If you want to prevent unpleasant symptoms, you should avoid slippers and sandals with too flat, hard soles. It's good if you pay attention to changing lighter, ...
Gaseous questions - beyond wise Solomon

Gaseous questions - beyond wise Solomon

They can be loud or silent, smelly or odorless: one of the most divisive functions of our body is defecation. Many people do not talk about it and there are those who make jokes about it. Nevertheless, it is important to pay attention to our body in this regard as well. ...
Condition survey package

Condition survey package

During the health assessment, we get an idea of your detailed medical history, complaints, secondary causes of obesity, previous diets and their success, differences in laboratory values and body composition, internal medicine and endocrine status, daily schedule, eating ...
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